GIS Enabled Entitlement Tracking System

GEET helps rural communities in accessing government entitlements and schemes that they are eligible for by providing them information about the same on a single platform.

Geographic Information System (GIS) - Enabled Entitlement Tracking (GEET), pools information on various government entitlements and schemes on a single platform to help rural communities. GEET then scans the eligibility criteria of all the schemes in the state and codifies all the criteria on a basic questionnaire to be administered at an individual or household level. By feeding in the basic information of an individual in an area, GEET throws up information on the various entitlements and schemes that the person is eligible for availing. By plugging the GEET into State Livelihood Missions, GEET not only helps the local communities know about the schemes that they are eligible for, it also aids the Mission administration in tracking the claimants and helping them avail the benefits. Through its GIS-enabled dashboard, GEET also assists district and state government officials to review the response of the local officials to the claimant application and the status of the implementation of the programmes. 

Salient Features 

  • Any individuals can identify welfare schemes and programmes that they are eligible for by providing basic details such as state name, gender, age, caste, etc. with little dependence on external resource persons.
  • For each scheme the individual is eligible for, GEET provides - a brief description highlighting the benefits under the scheme, the department responsible for the scheme, and the documents needed for availing the scheme.
  • Provision of a unique ID to track target groups.
  • Provision for dispatching SMS to update the local community members when they become eligible for new or existing schemes.
  • Versatile design which provides for adding and editing functionalities for schemes, eligibility criteria, and individual details.
  • Online and offline modes maximising reach in areas with limited internet bandwidth.
  • GIS-enabled dashboard with spatial and temporal information on eligibility and utilisation of welfare schemes.
  • Provision for registering grievances.

Implementation of GEET has been initiated in Karnataka, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Odisha. In Jharkhand and Odisha it is implemented in collaboration with the respective State Rural Livelihood Missions. 

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